RAID configuration error

Brand new outta the box, keep getting the following error message:

31818  - Error retrieving progress information for storage conversion: The operation was aborted while the server was processing the request. The operation may or may not have been completed successfully. Please refresh the page and try again.

Can’t shut it down; can’t refresh the page; nothing happens when I hit “reset”; network no longer sees the drive; all-Mac household; no files on the drive; steady green light on the machine…any ideas?

Hi, try disconnecting the My Book power cable for 20 seconds and then try again, as a troubleshooting steps you can also try connecting the Ethernet cable directly to the PC.

Yes… I actually had to reset to original factory settings.  


So it’s working fine now? 

I had the exact same error with my brand new 4TB when trying to convert to RAID 1:

31818  - Error retrieving progress information for storage conversion: The operation was aborted while the server was processing the request. The operation may or may not have been completed successfully. Please refresh the page and try again.

It would completely stop responding to everything except network pings.

I power cycled and did a full factory reset and the conversion process started properly.  It is now rebuilding (18% so far) so that seems to be working now.

On my first try, I had already set up all my preferences, renamed the server and shares, etc.  On my second try (after the full factory reset) I immediately went to convert the storage right away, and it worked.  I’m not sure if that has anything to do with it, but that’s how it went for me.


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