Question about streaming to a second wedtv live upstairs

Finally got my 2nd WDTV live streaming in the upstairs bedroom. Works great! I noticed however when accessing the menus/movies… it loads up slowly. i’m guessing this is because its streaming from downstairs main WDTV live which is connected to the NAS drive.

Question, what can i do to make the upstairs wdtv live navigate faster? I am using Black Mamba 1.5 with the newest wdtv live firmware.

Dunno why you keep on using this forum, you have the SMP not the hub…?

Stupid question but did you try this before you added the Black Mamba theme, if I was streaming from a Live, I would just used the standard theme, if you are adding movie sheets and folder graphics to media that has to be streamed then you will slow it down a lot.