Problem with installation


I hope there is someone who can help me. I’d really appreciate it.

I’m about to install the WD My Cloud 3T on my macbook. I have just started it at the Setup a message popped up saying:

You can continue the installation but you were not able to do the following: to reach the hard disk from distance.

What shall I do? I couldn’t find any help in FAQ.




Have you connected it up as per the quick setup guide i.e. into your router ?



thank you for your answer.

Sorry for the stupid questions, but what do I need exactly?

I have my macbook and I have the WD Mycloud I have just bought.

What else do I need to be able to use it? On my computer and from distance?


Are you Hard Wired or trying to setup WiFi?

What type of Router are you using?

Are you using the WD My Cloud Setup for Mac?  Setup for Mac

All Basic Downloads are located Here

Have you read the WD Manual PDF?  My Cloud User Manual

or the Quick Install Guide?  Quick Install Guide

You need to supply more information for someone to help you properly :wink: