Problem transfer folders from wd usb to wd in nas

Hello i’m here because i’m in front of a problem with my mac and my EX4.

I have 2 WD RED 3To in Jbod format and I would like to transfer files and folders from one who is connected by USB to the other who is connected by ethernet.

the problem is that i can’t transfer files with their respective folders, i can read that the problem comes from the .wdmc ???

but if I want to transfer only files all works perfectly. Here is my first problem, you can read more about my configuration: Share folder deleted after a reset of mycloud EX4 I can't access to my files now - #2 by ERmorel

Thank you

Your Mac OS computer may not read your WD Red hard drive using the EXT4 file system. You need a Linux-based system, or an application able to read EXT4 volumes. If the volume itself is healthy you should be able to access your content.

I already used the application Paragon ExtFS for Mac OSX and I it works perfectly, I can access to all my content, that’s not the problem.

My problem is that I can’t past a folder from my hard drive EXT4 format to my other hard drive Jbod format in my NAS, I have this message: Unable to copy the “.wmdc” element because its name is too long or contains characters that are invalid on the destination volume.

What’s the filename?

Try changing it to something simple, only alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) and make it short, say 16 characters max.

I did it, I think the problem comes from the hide folders .wmdc that we can find in all folders for example

If I have a music folder, you will have the .wmdc in it and in all albums too, so when I try to copy the music folder, it doesn’t work, but if i created directly folders in my hard drive, copy and past only the files from each folders, all works fine.

With carbon copy I can see and unchecked these hide .wmdc folders, so all works

I think I need to delete .wmdc from my wdmycloud dashbord ?!?