Problem accessing share

I just installoed a DL4100, and I set up a share with user credentials and password. I can see the DL4100 and the share on my computer (Win7). When I try to access the share, I am asked for user and password. When I put that in, another dialog pops up asking for “network password to connect” to the device. I can enter the user name and password. Just below the password field I see "Domain: myComputerName. (the actual name of my computer).
When I click on “OK”, another dialog pops up, with “Enter Network Password”. This time I cannot change the user (it is listed as “myComputerName/UserID”, and I can enter the password again.
If I do that, the dialog just blinks but nothing else happens.
I should say that at this point I have defined the user and Password exactly as the user and assword on my computer.
How do I get access to the share?

When I use the same computer to log into the NAS (via website as an administrator), I have access to the share.


i never figured it out - it just started to working after i tried enough. try to remove if mapped anything, then reboot both devices.

I find it quirky to say the least. I think what happens if you access a public share first the anonymous login “sticks”
I have had some success adding the login info to windows credential manager

I don’t. I added various permutations (Ip address, IPaddress\share, NetBios, etc) to the Credential manager, and all I get is a loop of asking me for my credentials. Very frustrating…

I am slowly getting to the point that it was a big mistake to buy this NAS. What good is a NAS if you can’t access it? It’s Brick, right? Is there nobody from WD who can help?

just peer 2 peer in here you need to contact WD if you have a quizzer for them

I just have \ (the IP) and username for the NAS (should not matter but do case sensitive) and the password for the NAS

Make sure that is the only entry

reboot and then click start and type \IP-Address and press enter

Do you have more than 1 device using the same username?

And do you have windows username and password set to be the same as the Nas box account?

Have you enabled full logging on your Nas and checked the logs.

I use same username and password on NAS and pc/laptop

When I checked Nas it gave an error authenticating my username.

Logs hadcerror
CIFS: Authentication for user [xxxx] has FAILED

To fix this I did the following…
On both pc and laptop both had issues I deleted any mapped drives to the Nas and then rebooted all devices.

I then mapped a drive on laptop and pc to the private share for my username. This mapped with no input and works after a reboot

I think I finally found out why that happens. It’s Groups. I completely reset the device (Factory install), and started from scratch. I created a user and a share, and I was able to access the share without problem. Then I added a Group and added the user to the group. I then gave the group access to the share (and made sure that the user still had access to the share. After that I was not able to access the share anymore. When I deleted the Group, access was restored.
How do you use groups with this thing? Obviously I want certain groups (and the members of those gropups) to have access to certain shares, but that does not seem to work.
By the way, everytime I add a user, the system automatically adds a share. CAn I delete the share if I don’t need it?

I might be wrong in Linux, but using groups, in windows AD, you give group permission to a share, then add users to the group.

Try removing user permission to the share and then add group permission and add user to the group.
You may also want to restart pc after changing permission. As it usually requires a reboot or log off and on for permissions to change on pc.

I’m not sure about deleting user shares, someone else might be able to help you.

I’ll give that a try down the road. Bigger problem right now is that I cannot set up my laptop to sync some of the folders …