Pr4100, 4 JBOD drives, 4 volumes, can't get past volume 1

Pr4100, 4 JBOD drives, 4 volumes, can’t get past volume 1. Won’t let me move on to volume 2 to continue adding files. 37.5 tb free.

The first volume is full. I thought I would move on to volume two, disk 2 to continue adding my video files. I can’t add anymore show to my directory tv. You mentioned mapped/accessed separately.!
Storage 2|690x359

I just created 4 directories tv, movies, b&w, and unsung. Can you explain the share part. Also, can I move forward with my current setup if I create shares for them?

Everything I’ve added to mycloud has been on volume 1, disk 1.

Okay. After creating the shares how did you separate tv from movies. Is media 1 volume 1 for movies,…?

Thank you so much! I was going crazy. When I had the Pr2100 it was simple to setup. Thank you for time clarity.

I have one more question please. Since you are not using raid how do you protect your drives? Or do you? If so, what are you using?

So, you backup your external drives. See I have 4 12tb drives. I don’t see myself purchasing 4 additional drives to backup my videos. Not sure how they work, but I thought unraid would be something to use to backup my files in a small way. If not, is there anything that can allow you to back mass info in a small collection?

Sounds solid. Perhaps I invest in some cheaper drives to backup, which sounds absolutely nuts. Thank you for your time.


Manual backup is my friend.

I am also a big fan of “retiring” backups. Once every year or two. . . a drive goes into dead storage. Very hard for Ransomware to get data that hasn’t been live in a system for a few years. . . . .

. . .although truth be told. . . .user error is a bigger problem for me. You know. . .when you delete or corrupt a file and don’t realize what has happened until the mistake propagates through your backups. I generally have to dig into the archive once every few years to recovery something :wink:

I go back to the days of nightly backups of the VAX systems to 9 track magnetic tape and 25% of the monthly budget was for tape and off site storage.

RAID is good for getting you going faster when a disk fails.

Computer motherboards now have slots for 2+ M.2 SSD we keep duplicate copies of OS with one turned off in BIOS ( Windows 10 updates can make for a bad day )

You don’t generally need to back up EVERTHING and if you set your shares to match your external disk storage you can use smaller disks.

WD NAS do have up to 3 USB ports

Make sure any storage case used to hold backups is water proof too :

check out backblaze hard-drive-test-data to get an idea of how long disks can last
( remember they test at cooler temp than we see with our NAS units )

I want to thank you for telling me about I TeraCopy, I love it!