Post change to static IP, My WDCloud EX2 is unreachable on network

I have performed change to static IP in order to be able to hard-code it when connecting to my desktop. While the change was happening (it took a while) I opened another tab and unit was responding with a fresh dashboard. The waiting tab refreshed.

Last direction from the machine was to perform the reboot. I obliged.

Post reboot, the trouble starts and is still the present state.

Post reboot, the Avahi Zeroconf Browser detects the unit coming on line with correct static IP and port 80 visible. There are few other ports that open on the same IP address. Network utility on unity desktop also sees the machine with the correct name.

However, I cannot connect to the dashboard (using the name of the machine, not IP). PING does not execute at all (100% dropped packets). After about 2-5 minutes (did not exactly time it) the machine is still visible on Avahi dashboard, however, if sub-item is chosen it responds with timeout error and additional information (port, etc.)

At no time can I access the unit’s data or dashboard.

I did not perform any recovery procedures yet.

Any help and direction is appreciated.

You may want to see the dedicated EX2 subforum as this subforum (My Cloud) is generally for the single bay/single drive My Cloud units. There may be more knowledgeable people familiar with the EX2 in that dedicated subforum.

Generally when setting a My Cloud to use a Static IP Address you need to ensure that IP address is not reserved or in use by any other device in that local network. And you need to make sure its in the same Private IP Address subnet/pool as other devices you want to connect to it.

Are you trying to access by name, or by using the static IP address you have assigned to the MyCloud? Your local DNS may not have caught up with the change to name/IP address resolution.

4-second reset will force the IP back to use DHCP. You should then regain access to the Dashboard (at whatever new IP address your router’s DHCP server assigns it; if you’re lucky, it will be the same as it was before).

Is there a way to cross-post?

I’m having the same issue. I’m not sure if it is a My Cloud device or the windows operating system. I am running Windows 10 “Windows Insider Program” so I get frequent updates. If I reboot I can access the Admin functions of the drive, but only for like 5 minutes. Reboot again gives me a few minutes before it drops off the browser being unreachable. I’m thinking Mycloud drive has a built in web server of some sort, so not sure where the problem is.

The EX2 dropping off of the network randomly has been happening since I got my EX2 when they first came out — and has never been resolved by WD. Currently, I am frequently experiencing this issue at a rate greater than in the past. Normally I have to ‘hot’ reset the device and after it has ‘recovered’ I am able to connect from my Windows 10 machine normally, but only for a time. There is a long history of this problem with the EX2 ( mine is the 8TB RAID 1 )