
My WD 2T My Book Home is being imaged to from my pc with no problems.

I would like to know about  ports other than 2.0, however.

I have eSATA and firewire ports.

Would any of them be faster than usb 2.0?

I have one firewire cable but there are 4 ports on the WD drive. I assume I would have to view this at Computer to see how the artitions are set up.

I have no eSATA cables and wonder what they cost if they are faster than usb 2.0.

I also have a large cable that came with the drive and think it may be a usb 3.0 but do not know why it would come with a drive it could not fit into.

Any comments to help me understand ports would be appreciated.

Thank you

Most of the My Books come with USB2 and Firewire cables. I don’t know whether you get eSATA cable as well.

Though Firewire designates slower seed (400Mb/s) compare to USB2 (480Mb/s), in real life I have noticed faster data transfer rate on Firewire connections.

eSATA is the fastest of these three and you need an eSATA > SATA cable for this. I don’t think it is expensive though.

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I have an eSATA port on both the pc and on the ext drive so I guess it would be eSATA to eSATA?

If eSATA is a lot faster that usb I would get it now.

eSATA is faster than USB, when it comes HDDs. But remember, though eSATA claimed to be hot swappable, I wouldn’t recommend that practice. So, don’t disconnect/reconnect while power ON in any side, to be in safe side.

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