Please help! Weird partition lost after shucking

Seems I’m screwed. I have a WD Element 18T with only 1 partition for data backups and storage. Since I got a new desktop so I want to shuck it to make an internal. But after I shucked it and connected with SATA as secondary disk, it was not recognized. So I followed the instructions to tape the first 3 power pins and then it was recognized by Windows 11. However I found that the HDD was seen 3 partitions instead of 1: a 360G unused partition, a 1.6T and 14.7T unassigned.

I then put the disk back to the enclosure but the partitions didn’t go back and stayed at the 3.

What should I do? I’m currently using Aomei partition Assistant scanning but it’s super slow.

I need the data back. Please help.

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Can you show us the Partitions tab in DMDE?

When starting DMDE it shows this:

Then it shows this:


If you d-click the Backup Drive NTFS volume and expand the $Root, do you see your file/folder tree?

If yes, then …

OMG you saved my life… I’m currently recovering some most important files.

Thank you a million!

The “Backup” volume starts at LBA 63. This means that your partition is not aligned to a 4KB physical sector boundary. This won’t affect reads, but you will suffer a significant hit in write performance (because of a read-modify-write cycle).

Thank you. But can you please advise why the “Insert” command is not available here?

The Backup Drive partition overlaps the newly created FAT partition, so you would first need to remove the latter. Also, if prompted, choose a GUID partition instead of MBR.

You may need to toggle GPT Off/On to recreate the GPT metadata.

Which tool you used for shrink and the file system for the partition?