Please help! External Passport Disk not recognized

My Passport that I have used for my file storage for about five years is not being recognized on my computer. I cannot see it in Device Manager nor Management. I tried it on another computer. It recognized it one time, then not again. I need the files on the disk for work.

I hate it when people start with this but (logically, and because U didn’t say you tried this) can you Try Another USB Port, Try Another Cable, Try Another Computer. Failure on a 2nd computer likely means the cable is Bad or the Drive is Bad.

There ARE ways to Recover data but calling a local repair shop, or Google, or Clifford Cleary in the Forum know more than I about the cheapest & best ways to do it.

One Solution via Google (“Backup Drive Not Seen in Device Manager”) I wouldn’t have tried is per …

HIS Drive WAS SEEN on another computer so he wound up Updating a Driver

[I solved the problem …all i had to do was go to device manager → under storage controllers selected the “USB Attached SCSI (UAS) Mass Storage Device” which comes up when i connect the drive → right click and select update driver software ->browse my computer option → let me pick … option → in the listed drivers i selected mass storage device and clicked OK. Everything works fine now …

Wish I knew more. Google while you wait for more Help here. Good Luck.

Thank you, Craig. Yes, I tried another computer, all USBs. After many hours of research and lots of wrangling with device, it seems it might be cord. I finally got a port to recognize it and I dumped 5 years of data back on to my computer. But I am not sure I could get it to work again.

But good to know local computer help could recover data!!

Glad for your success. I have had, and the Macrium Image forum guys encourage, use of 2 alternating bkups. At $55-$60 for 1 TB MyPassport I suggest same when $$ allow. Good luck. Craig

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Will do! Just amazed that the drive might be bad. Never dreamed that would happen when all it is is a backup drive.

But I see it is common now. Thank you!

You don’t say what OS your computer is? I had 2 XP computers which suddenly stopped recognising the external drive last summer, while my Windows 8.1 computer still recognised it, so I suspect an update may be at fault. Would you be able to transfer your files etc. to a very large USB stick, and then back them up from there?

I agree, it’s very worrying. I expect my backup drives to keep working, not to fail suddenly, otherwise what’s the point?