Permalink to subfolder in a share?

I’m new here and I came here because my Dancing instructor shared with us a library of dance moves.
Unfortunately the library is splitted into several folders and subfolders and also not properly named, just numbered.

So I took the effort to create file in which all the numbers get the dance move’s name assigned and I created a link to the subfolder where the file can be found.

Unfortunately I noticed today that the I put into my file do not work anymore. They seem to change.

So my question is, given a URL to a mycloud share, can I create a permanent link to a subfolder?


What WD device do you own? Have you looked at that sub-forum?

My Cloud OS 5: Online User Guide and Solutions (

Permalink Definition (

See above. I don’t own one. My dancing instructor does.

And no: I didn’t look into the subforums. Will try.

The only place I remember using a permalink is in AARP when I want to create one to be able to get back to a topic. See example image below. Have you checked to see if this is available on the device being used?


Thanks, but again: I do not own the device.

Anyhow: In the meantime I learned that it’s not possible. See Link to subfolders