Periodic Noise from Head Movement WD Black 4TB

No word back yet. I actually have a direct line phone # too. Just called but got voicemail, but I will try again in a bit. I left him an email that basically said that there’s still much confusion on the PWL topic and that there really needs to be “sticky” post or FAQ on this periodic noise from PWL.

As far as your issues, I honestly think it’s routine and I wouldn’t bother sending the drive back, but that’s me. I have 8 of them and they all do it (my machines are in a rack in a computer closet so I can’t hear them). I have seen a few other threads online. Just search “WD PWL” or some variant and you’ll find some info. One guy mentioned that he had several drives from different manufacturing dates that all do it. So unless the sound is an annoyance, I’d probably just let it go.