Performance Tuning for MBLD on Gigabit Networks

Hello folks,

I am planning to tune the 4TB MyBookLiveDuo (MBLD) at home and changed the network interface “MTU”, “txqueuelen”, enable “flow-control” and use “hdparm” to improve the network and HDD performance.

My questions:

  1. How do I do this safely since the MBLD is a Linux box and the only access point is via its network interface? If I changed the MTU, txqueuelen and flow-control, could the MBLD boot-up and allow me access even if the MTU change failed?

  2. I have tested changing the MBLD MTU via SSH console access to 9000 and the txqueuelen to 2000 and it works. The command I issued is as follow;

ssh -Cv root@mybookliveduo.local

password: ****************

ifconfig eth0 mtu 9000 txqueuelen 2000

Now, where do I apply the configuration permanently so that after every reboot, the configuration is applied?

If I am correct, the Linux distribution used by Western Digital is based on Debian and if my memory serves me well, I can add the MTU configuration in the “/etc/network/interfaces” but what about the “txqueuelen” and “flow-control” parameters?

Any guidance or direction is most appreciated.



Hello everyone,

Before I could even do any performance tuning, my 4TB MBLD is gone from my network! I received an email alert that the device rebooted at about 5am this morning and now it is unreachable.

Can someone guide me to WD MBLD support resources on how I may access my MBLD again without doing a hard reset?

Thank you in advanced.



mmoonshi wrote:

Hello everyone,


Before I could even do any performance tuning, my 4TB MBLD is gone from my network! I received an email alert that the device rebooted at about 5am this morning and now it is unreachable.


Can someone guide me to WD MBLD support resources on how I may access my MBLD again without doing a hard reset?


Thank you in advanced.




first you need to check where is the problem

try connecting to the drive with the drive name or IP address 

you can reset the drive and it will go back to default but data will not be erased

you can also connect the drive direct to the PC via Ethernet

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Thank you Wizer.

I did a “quick reset” by pressing on the reset button for about 10 secs (twice) and the MBLD boot-up again, get an IP address via DHCP and finally, my “ping” saw a reply and I can access the WebUI again. No data is loss :slight_smile:

With gratitude,
