PCB defective, HD OK, how to recover data?

I had a mycloud (that white type with 1HDD inside) and the circuit board has stopped working, but the HDD is already working.
How do i recover the inside data??
When i plug it with an adapter to the computer the drive show that is a gpt, with no partition, no letter assigned. I need to buy another NAS to put it inside and recover?

When i plug it with an adapter to the computer the drive show that is a gpt, with no partition, no letter assigned.

the hard drive inside My Clouds are formatted EXT4 … which is a Linux File System

If your computer is running Windows you’ll need either software that allows for viewing EXT4 (the software usually costs money) or a Linux Live CD (Free) that will allow your Windows PC to boot to a Linux Operating System which will allow you to view and recover the files on the EXT4 formatted hard drive.

Sem título2

this is what is showing when i install ext4 reader programs

I would personally try a Linux Live CD/USB Boot image a proper Linux OS environment.

This is what appears when i try in a usb bootable linux

Any idea? and if i buy a ex2 and put this HD into, it will read the files or format?

Try Linux Reader for Windows (freeware):

I have already tried this at the first reply.

Sorry, I see that the drive cannot be “opened”. I wonder if this means that it may be password protected.

What is the security status reported by CrystalDiskInfo or whichever tool you prefer? Is the drive locked?

Can you read sector 0 with a disc editor such as DMDE (freeware)? Do you see the partitions in DMDE?

The first problem is that your adapter is configured with a sector size of 4KB whereas the drive was partitioned in an enclosure with a sector size of 512 bytes. This is why the partitions are being detected as 8 times their original size.

If you d-click the “16TB” partition, do you see a file/folder structure (probably not)?

Just FYI, this is what a My Cloud Home’s partitions look like:
