PATATOZOR THEME : A Mix of Joey/Tinwarble/Firetix work (and a little bit my own one too :-) )

patatozor wrote:

to   jonkjon


you must use thumbgen to generate xml

in the input/output option : set xml for information with livehub format



Thanks…If I do that in thumbgen, I don’t get the backdrops on the xml. Am I overlooking something in thumbgen still?


use the latest version of thumbgen (

and don’t forget to choose export using wtdvlive hub format  in options.

Thanks…the new version did the trick!

I created a folder.jpg image for my “Movies” folder and it is just showing the default folder image. I have cleared the media library and restarted a few times and I am still getting the generic folder icon. I made the image 157x274 with a reflection effect. What might I be doing wrong?

i had the same problem

for unknown reason, it’s impossible to have a perfect size folder picture

We must “cheat” and use  a taller picture fit to just watch the part you want

I did’n’t have the time to finf the good size yet

I think the size is like 300x573…thats the size I used with good results


gonna modify my special folder template to test

HomerJ wrote:

I think the size is like 300x573…thats the size I used with good results

Thanks for the sizing info. That was a big help. I was mainly having the issue because I was making png’s and renaming them to .jpg for the folder and for some reason, the hub didn’t like that. Anyway, thanks again.

One more thing…we still can’t make our own backdrops yet can we? I know I can get them from but I was referring to locally…

here is what I do with my folder images, thumbnail is 300 x 460 and apply a glass of 300x460 on top of that, black on the remaining bottom, no reflection but works for my purpose.  I’m no great photoshopper or anything so very amateurish approach, but, like I say …works for me.


I am curious as to where in the thumbgen template the thumbnail for the dvd is created. I see how the thumbnail and reflections are made in the xml using the ImageElement and GlassTable element tags. But what I don’t understand is how that information is passed on to the theme so that it knows to derive the thumbnail with reflections separately from the jpg image. Can you offer an explanation? Thanks.

Never mind…I got this figured out.

jonkjon–>" One more thing…we still can’t make our own backdrops yet can we? I know I can get them from but I was referring to locally…"

only solution is a local web server :cry:


No, you can’t generate the backdrops from a local location.  Trying to point it to a local location will just give you a black background.

The only thing the HUB will pull up is backgrounds from online locations.

I know I can’t :smileyvery-happy:

look at my answer : I speak about local web server (IIS  ) as solution and not local files

Of course we need to modify all the xml to use this

Sorry, it sounded like a question, with the whole “?” at the end.:stuck_out_tongue:

the text with the “?” is a copy of jonkjon question :slight_smile:

I create a blue ray light theme (without fan art)

can be downloaded here :

Nice theme patatozor…

Great mix of theming and great work yourself…

Hi Patatozor!

Good work on bringing different themes together by using one Moviesheet.

Please can you explain how you make this work within the XML scripts?

I ask this question, because I like the moviesheet / masking concept very much indeed. And until WD fix their firmware BUGS, i think it is the most aesthetically pleasing way forward.

I hope you can give some insight, into the masking strategy, i.e. positioning of the Main moviesheet within a theme like Tinwarbles, so that we can all enjoy both aspects of such themes.


Nice theme