Password for

Hi there
I was redirected to the site where it prompts for a password. There is no “sign-up” feature on it, so I assumed it would take my password for the MyCloud device. It does not. Therefore I have these questions:

  • What is it for?

  • Should it take a different password than the one I’ve given to MyCloud?

  • How do I sign-up?



I tried the link you provided and it only 404’s for me. Where did you get this link? it does not seem to be related to my cloud products.

Do you have the My Cloud home or the regular my cloud? They work on different back ends so you log into different sites for each. If you go to there are sign in and set up links for both the my cloud home and my cloud devices.

Thank you for your reply DrLucky
It is a MyCloud Home device, and I have setup and signed in as above.

Re the 404 - I shortened the link as there were some what I thought superfluous and possibly session specific strings in the URL. Here it is:

My first mistake for you was to remove the https:// as of course there is no non-secure equivalent of this site. The URL now errors:

The server encountered an unexpected error which prevented it from completing your request. Please close this window and start the sign in process again.

The site holds a trusted certificate assigned to Western Digital. So it is an officially supported site but remains something of a mystery to me. I cannot, I am afraid, amongst all the many things I’ve been doing with my machine lately (:sweat_smile:), remember what I was doing that took me to the link - whether it was one of the apps I’ve installed or from within another of the WD websites.
