OS5 Gen 2 USB Backups App Fails to Install

Hey Yall,

I did use the search function but wasn’t able to find a more recent answer. I’ve got a Gen 2 My Cloud (Firmware 5.29.102) that i’m attempting to create a USB backup to (attached to drive). However when installing the USB Backups app, it just fails to install (exact error message).

Has the app been disabled?

I’ve attempted to manually install it as well and result is the same.

Any other way to backup my contents to the USB drive besides going to network and manually copying everything?

Thank you.

By manual install do you mean using the following method:
Steps to Download and Install Third-Party Apps Manually on My Cloud OS 5

Where you use the JSON file entry to manually download the app’s bin file then manually upload it in the My Cloud Dashboard’s App section.
My Cloud: https://downloads.mycloud.com/os5-apps/apps/GZA/GZA_WDMyCloudG2/GZA_WDMyCloudG2.json
USB Backups: https://downloads.mycloud.com/os5-apps/apps/GZA/GZA_WDMyCloudG2/USBBackups/WDMyCloud_USBBackups_1.34.bin
Release Notes: https://downloads.mycloud.com/os5-apps/apps/GZA/notes/WDMyCloud/USBBackups_Release_Notes.html

Yes, that’s correct. I’ve used that method when attempting to install the app.

As a troubleshooting step. Have you restarted the My Cloud then try to install the app again?

Yes, I’ve also power cycled the drive and ensured I have a stable connection to it.