Novice needs help finding files after back up

So, I’ve received my MBL, connected it, and run a back up of selected folders using WD SmartWare.  When I did this I selected the “Public” option in the drop down box under MyBookLive on the home page.  Back up appears to have been successful with the same volume of data showing as having been backed up as the folders I selected.

When I try to access the files which I believe to be in the Public Share via Windows Explorer, there is nothng there.  Where are my files?  Do I have to actually drag and drop the files I want from my C drive to the MBL folders?  If so, doesn’t this just duplicate the back up?

If anyone is able to assist, please can you use non-tecchie language where possible!


I’m not sure what you mean by “I selected the “Public” option in the drop down box under MyBookLive on the home page”

… Smartware backs up files to a hidden partition on the MBL.

… and it’s not saving individual files, it’s a compressed / consolidated backup set.