
Couple of Notifications questions:

1.) I’m getting notifications that the My Cloud EX2 is, or has, shutdown. Looking at the front panel lights, and accessing the shares, shows that this is false. Should I be concerned?

2.) I have old notifications hanging around under the WD icon on both my Macs menu bar. Trying to delete them returns, “The notification has been removed from the list. It may reappear unless permanently deleted using the drive’s Settings page.” Where is this, “drive’s Settings page”? I’ve tried in the Dashboard, but that doesn’t do the trick.



Hi Tom

Point 2) the alerts can be deleted from within the Web UI, upper menue line, right of the USB-Symbol. There is an icon showing a bell. Click on it and then you can delete all messages. Unless the messages are deleted here, they all will reappear under the WD icon in your taskbar.

Point 1): the shutdown message may be related to an older, outdated shotdown. What kind of notification was this? Via Email or WD icon?

Hi, Joerg,

Point 2) Yes, that Alerts icon in the Dashboard.webloc was where I was going when I referred to the Dashboard. The Notifications that won’t go away show up under the WD icon in the upper Mac menu bar. When I click it now, it shows:

WD Access >
WD Sync >
View Notifications (3)…

Clicking View opens a Notifications window where I can click a Clear All button, or click individual View buttons, or an “X” to remove them, but then I get the message I reported originally. The notifications are removed at that moment, but reappear later.

Point 1) they’re pop-up windows that appear on my screen foreground. I haven’t enabled e-mail nor SMS notifications because I don’t want to be bothered by these false reports.


Hi Tom

Point 1) sorry, no idea what you mean.

Point 2) you need to open the web UI of the device, http://wdmycloudex2 or http://wdmycloudex2.local for Mac.
Then you can remove the notifications from inside the Web UI (the Bell icon in the header).
Afterwards, you can delete the notifications in the taskbar under the WD icon.

The taskbar WD icon gets these notifications from the device, so they have to be deleted on the device.

Best regards

Hi, Jörg

Point 1)


Better look:
