No Lan access after power outage and factory reset

Background: I had used my cloud home as a media server for LAN access (public folder) working great until I woke up this morning with the electricity out. I procede to flip the breaker back on. Hours later when I try to access the mycloud home via LAN its not showing up…
Things that I have done:

  1. Check SMB is enabled… it is still not showing.
  2. Untick SMB a series of reboots turing it on and off to no avail.
    My thoughts maybe somethings corrupt… I always keep a backup of my data on my PC so I factory reset the device… still no LAN public folder.

Note that nomal WAN folder works ie private folder, verified by uploading files and downloading.

Any help will be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!

UPDATE: I left the device on since yesterday and today it magically appeared on the network. Very strange as no settings were changed…