No files in local folder after update

Hello there…

I have made a synch job for the HUB, for my music and foto…

I have set the music / pictures menu to local store…

Out in the menu, I can see the right number of songs, and pictures…

I click, I come to the networ_synch folder, I click again, I come to the music folder, I click again and then this message pop up: No media in the current folder…

I check to see that it’s the locak storage, and it is…

any idea ??

This problem came after the last firmware upgrade…

Sometimes i can shutdown the HUB, start it again, and then it works :S

Have you found a workaround other than shutting down your WD TV Live Hub HD Media Center?

No :frowning:

I have made it as a network share instead…

Not the plan i’ve had in mind, but have to wait until WD maybe gonna fix this in a firmware update

I face the same issue with a particular folder in an ext hard drive I have attached. Ejecting and reconnecting allows the folder and its content to appear again, but only temporarily until it finishes scanning for new media on the drive. I’m waiting for WD to solve this bug already since its been an issue for me from day one…but instead I find new games and features on new firmware updates instead. Way to have your priorities strait there Western digital. They figured maybe they can shut us up about bugs and glitches by just adding more games to keep us distracted.