No file manager instead

Hi all,

I can’t find a file manager on my My Cloud PR4100 NAS. To manage my stored files, I can only connect via LAN or FTP. I’m having problems when I try to move or copy large files from one shared folder to another.

Is there a native file manager? If not, can we install third-party software?

Thank you for your support

Compré un EX2100 y siendo nuevo tenia un administrador de archivos que eliminaron con las actualizaciones, entonces actualicé y compre un PR4100.
Cuando lo compré tenia instalado un manager en Utilidades también pero con las actualizaciones de version de sistema lo eliminaron también y a fecha de hoy sigo sin tener un administrador de archivos. ¿alguien quiere comprar mi WD4100? Las copias entre particiones del Raid por LAN son tremendamente lentas.
La opción Rápida cuando he tenido necesidad es conectando por SSH, pero es peligroso equivocarse, y WD retira el soporte una vez has conectado por SSH al equipo.
Si alguien no encuentra un programa para mover ficheros nativamente, venderé mi equipo.

This is network attached storage.

The intent is to use a PC/Mac, and use that devices file manager across a LAN.

MyCloud OS/5 does not feature a natively running file manager (unlike the S***ology “file station” which runs under their *SM OS software package)

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Originalmente cuando lo compré sí que lo tenía, al cambiar a OS/5 desapareció.

Apologies, I am not a Spanish speaker.

WD’s O/S5 software has a “reduced feature set” compared to the older O/S3 software.

The way file management works today is either through the WD web apps. . . which are severely limited. . . .or through a PC’s file management. The problem with file managment from a PC (i.e. Windows file explorer) is that the file management commands are being executed from the PC. If that PC is connected to your network via wireless; you will be constrained by the networks wireless speed.

What you want is to have the NAS execute the file management commands. . . and that functionality is not provided by WD.

I have done this in a few ways in the past. Without buying more hardware, one way is to run WINSCP via SSH to the NAS drive. This forces you to keep the PC running; but the commands are being executed by the NAS; so speed should be faster. (There is a way to use “Nohup” commands with WINSCP to allow you to shutdown the PC after a file transfer has started. . .but I have not tried it)