NFS stopped working after update. Any fix?

I just recently updated my My Cloud. Currently running WDMyCloud v04.05.00-315 : Core F/W and updated on Sunday, April 30, 2017 10:31:42 PM.

I followed this article to setup my My Cloud with my raspberry pi but since the update it is not working anymore. How to mount a media server or NAS drive to a Raspberry Pi

I have tried everything that I can imagine to get this working. I have even tried setting up another raspberry pi but with no luck.

From your Pi, execute the command

showmount -e x.x.x.x (where x.x.x.x is the IP address of your My Cloud).

That command returns the following:

clnt_create: RPC. Program not registered

Did they update the version of NFS that runs on the my cloud or something?


Any clue what’s going on with this? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!

After looking into this issue more I have noticed that NFS is not working on any device anymore.

Had an issue with the way nfs was sharing. Please close.