News about the latest version of SmartWare for Mac (release


We have temporarily suspended downloads of release for Mac while we investigate a recently discovered issue with the software. We will restore download capability as soon as we have resolved the issue.  If you have downloaded it, do not update. If you have already updated your drive and encountered a problem with your drive, please contact service and support at 1 (800) 275-4932.


Keep us posted-  we’re waiting… hopefully our drives are not totally bricked-


Model: WDBAAB3200ACH

Aphasia, Stroke.


Unfortunately, after updating firm ware and smartware my new My Book died  when locked. How can I start it again? Is there no software starting My Book from the Mac’s desktop?


Have you guys fixed it yet? And also found a fix for the drives like mine which was “bricked” by YOUR update?

Please keep us posted whether you have a fix for it, and if not, what you are doing to solve it.

So its a whole month now and you still haven’t resolved this.

Tell all your friends not to by WD.

Seems like WD have a habit of spotting faults, but failing to actually fix them.

Many people have been waiting several months to get a version of WD Drive Manager that works with Snow Leopard. WD’s answer is to not use Drive Manager until they release a working update - that still hasnt happened!!!

Dont hold your breath guys.

Hello everyone,

The new WD Smartware and New firmware are released

Here is the link: