New software

Be aware, serial access is now password protected (starting from v.8.12)!!!
Besides that the software is becoming just great! Finally!

Before I got shut out, I managed to get a glimpse at how they do the OTA updates:

 3819 root      2344 S    fw_update -r /usr/local/upload/install.img -v 8.13.0-131
 3939 root      3712 S    sh -c busybox tar xvOf /usr/local/upload/install.img KDP/system.bin | busybox dd of=/dev/sda bs=512 seek=499712 count=467896
 3940 root      3712 S    busybox tar xvOf /usr/local/upload/install.img KDP/system.bin
 3941 root      3712 R    busybox dd of /dev/sda bs 512 seek 499712 count 467896
  1. install.img apparently contains system.bin - that’s the part that gets mounted to /usr/local/tmp
  2. the actual content is a file called image.cfs which gets loop-mounted to /usr/local/modules
  3. If we would be able to modify the system.bin/image.cfs, we’d be able start arbitrary code