New Release - My Book Live Firmware Version 02.43.03 – 022 (10/8/2013​)

solo69 wrote:

By the way, looking around I found, that we are not alone and recently WD made very similar bad firmware for My Book Live successor, see  WD My Cloud Firmware Release 3.01.04 (11/5/2013 )


Before going to an extreme solution, it would be nice to hear an official word from WD on these bad firmware updates for different devices making them unreachable. Do they have new sw developers team? :wink:

I’m not sure what official word you are looking for, but we do escalate any product issues you bring up, and WD is continuously working to support the products with continued updates.  However, it does take time to investigate the issues that are brought up, find a fix, and then test.  Many times the users won’t respond to us when we try to private message them, and so some of the escalated issues fall into inactivity.

Moreover, you should keep in mind that just because a user has an issue with the product doesn’t mean that it has a bug in its firmware.  We try to sort through those as best we can, but if you want to make sure that yours is a legitimate bug, you will need to contact support to let them take you through all the troubleshooting steps in order to confirm that it is in fact a bug.  Doing that helps us confirm it and get further information if necessary.

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