New MyBook Duo (36TB) incessant noise

From very 1st plug in this week, my 36TB My Book Duo whirs and clicks non-stop, even when I (and my PC) are not accessing or viewing the drive, which is still totally empty (config as RAID-1). The noise is a nuisance and signif work distraction, with obvious physical vibration through my substantial desk. Is this normal for Duo?
(Note: I use many other external HDDs on several PCs, upto 8TB in size, without such incessant noise problems.)

Hi @RossOz

Have you checked our knowledge base articles?
(Support for Western Digital Hard Drives | Western Digital)

Try this one:
(Reasons for Hard Drive Noise)

Have you opened a Support Case?
If not, contact Western Digital Technical Support for assistance.
(Contact Us | Western Digital)

Hi Pradeep,

Yes – I have checked the Knowledge Base, and more widely on the Web also, but have not found a definitive answer to my query, just comments to the effect that ‘some noise is to be expected’ (for various reasons).

I worry that my My Book’s noise – which is an incessant whirring, clicking and obvious/distracting desk vibration even when I am not accessing the unit (merely plugged in to my PC) – is excessive, and that my unit, or at least one of the two HDDs, may fail soon.

Can you please comment on this? Specifically, should I seek a replacement unit or disks now, under warranty?

Thanks for further advice,


Ross Sutherland

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