New Laptop Won't Recognize my MyCloud

Hi. New to the forum and not all that techy. I’ve had a WD MyCloud 3TB external hard drive (I’ve had it for over 10 years). My new HP laptop is not connecting to it. I cannot access my files/folders and cannot access the dashboard. When I try to go to the link to try to change my password it takes me to a dead link (
On my old laptop I can still access all my folders and files but I also can’t access the dashboard here either. I just tried the WD Support chatbot but when I entered my serial number the chatbot said it didn’t recognize it.
Can anyone help? Any help is much appreciated.

Is your new laptop Windows 11 24H2? If so, you need to make a few changes. Follow the directions in the link.

Hi thanks for the response. Yes, my new laptop is running Windows 11 24H2. I went to the link in your post and ran the two commands in Windows Powershell as administrator but am still not able to access the drive folders/files.


Do you have a WDMYCLOUD OS3 or OS5?

or My Cloud Home.

If it is a WDMYCLOUD try \\WDMYCLOUD or \\Name of your device and this should come up.
Example Image

For the Dashboard try and find its address and then use that to open it.

Example address, http:

Thanks. I did that (//WDMYCLOUD) and it looks like it’s working now. Thanks a lot for the help!