New laptop & accessing files

Hi there, i have carefully copied all my documents to my cloud device and opened up my new laptop ready to transfer the stuff onto my hard drive and i cannot see how to access the files. Please help!



Which of the three(?) possibilities of ‘copied’ did you use?

Serious question, there’s via the web browser UI, via the local network ‘Public’ folder on the mycloudhome, and there’s via the local drive letter mapping to local network private folders on the mycloudhome.

Via the web browser UI the files end up in the private mapped letter folders which you’ll need the WD Discovery software to see.
And there’s no visibility between those and the Public share which anyone can see/edit/delete without the software, i.e. use that one with caution!

[ double checking this is a mycloudhome not a mycloud, one small word huge difference…? ]