New Files not showing

Im just tired of having to go to System > Restart in order for new files from my pc shared folders to show up.

They need to fix that asap. It’s getting annoying…

Looks like the same problem here. A Network device is only scanned once. The only way to force a rescan of a network share seems to be a complete restart (on / off does not help here).

WD, you need to work on this. While you’ve designed the Live Hub to store the movies on the device itself, a lot of users already have their movies on a NAS drive and want to keep them there (1GB is nice, but would never be enough). So on my setup the Network Storage is the only Storage…

Please use the WDTV Live HUB without the Media Library feature, Or if you still want to use that, please turn Media library feature OFF and turn it back on for the files to show up, IMHO, It is better than restarting the WDTVLIVE HUB.