New Dell laptop with Windows 10 does not see MYCLOUD on my network

My new DELL laptop with Windows 10 does not see either my MYCLOUD or my MYBookWorld on my home network. My old Samsung laptop also with Windows 10 does see both MYCLOUD and Mybookworld, they are listed in Windows Explorer as separate drives

I cannot see any difference in the setting on Windows 10 on the new DELL laptop compares to the old Samsung windows 10 setting but an I missing something. Can anyone please help

You likely have to enable SMB1.0/CIFS in Windows. Microsoft typically disables this setting, for security reasons, in new Windows 10 install’s/activations or through patch updates.

How to Enable SMB 1.0/CIFS File Sharing Support on Windows 10

One also may need to ensure the Network Profile in Windows is set to Private.

Thanks for you’re reply. The SMB 1.0/CIFS are all ticked and enabled
You mention ensuring Network Profile in Windows is set to Private, how do I check this

Hi Bennor, I have found where to set the network to private and hey presto I can now see both MYCLOUD and mybookworld in File Explorer

Many thanks for your help

Thanks for update and quick reply, I am also looking for same issue, Really appreciate for help.