New Caviar Green Not Recognized

I have a new caviar green that shows up at boot and in device manager but will not show up in my computer or disk manager. Anyone have any suggestions? I have tried different cables and boot settings

you confirmed that the drive is compatible with your system? If the drive does not shows up in Disk management you may try from another computer.

Do you have internet access on that PC? BC windows should download the drivers automatically.

mlongacr wrote:

I have a new caviar green that shows up at boot and in device manager but will not show up in my computer or disk manager. Anyone have any suggestions? I have tried different cables and boot settings

Try checking if the port the drive is connected is enabled. You will need to initalize and format once the drive shows on Disk Management. 

I have 3 total internal drives. One for the OS and 2 WD Caviar Greens for extra space. The first two drives work like a charm. I am connected to the internet. I tried removing the sata/power connections from my working caviar and connecting them to my new caviar to determine if it is the drive or my setup. No luck

Is it even possible that it isn’t compatible?

EDIT: Also, I have added many drives to systems and am familiar with how to partition and format once the drive becomes available in disk manager. Thanks for the replies btw

EDIT2: I am also going to try safe mode and connecting via my pci sata card. Will post results

I finally have a update and solution! to follow up, neither safe mode nor pci sata card would get this disk recognized under disk manager. so, i started think windows corruption. ran some scans to find malware/trojans, found nothing. so, i just ended up doing a clean install of windows and poof, there it is. no idea what actually cause it

Good then… glad to know you sort it out