Networking my WDTVLive to the WDTVLiveHub

I can’t seem to get the two devises to talk to each other. I’ve got the LiveHub set up in the living room which I use as the storage device. I have moved my WDTVLive box to the bedroom and connected to it’s own ethernet port. I want to stream the files from the Hub to the bedroom. Surely this is possible? Can anyone help? much appreciated. 


You need to either enable Media Server or Network Share Server, as the case may be.

Media Server activates the built-in Twonky server on the Hub (which you’d access via the Media Server selection on the other WDTV) while Network Share makes a “Windows Share” server available from the Hub to which you’d connect using the “Network Share” function on the other WDTV.

I would assume, of course, that both of your boxes are connected to the same network?