the device loses a network in certain cases, for example, at shutdown (reset) of a router. After router restarted, the player doesn’t appear in a network. It does senseless WD Remote use.
I forgot to tell:
it occurs during content playing from usb-device
Do you obtain the same results if you set a static IP configuration in your WD TV Play?
with static config too
network maybe lost when playing content from local usb-device without restarting router.
but when i play content through network (e.g. youtube or dlna) network is stable.
in the stop() function of the file dhcpc.script of GPL sources presents line
ifconfig $if
this command runs when network down. And device try to get new ip-address. And device not receive new ip-address if router unavailable.
I think this is reason of losing a network.
In squashfs part of wdstreamer.bin presents this dhcpc.script file with same content.
так и разбежались отвечать наши разработчики ПО устройства. Когда будет новая версия прошивки с исправлением всех недостатков устройства?
and ran up to answer our software developers of the device. When there will be a new version of firmware with correction of all shortcomings of the device?
Unfortunately, firmware release and development roadmaps are not available to all Western Digital staff members.
так есть же в вашем сообществе разработчики устройства и его прошивки. Я им этот вопрос адресовал.
so there are developers of the device and its firmware in your community. I addressed this question to them.