My WD TV live Streaming Media Player is connected to my network thru a switch and a UTP cable. I can play videos on my Synology NAS but, when the device tries to update the firmware, a message appears that it cannot connect to the net. All devices connected to that switch connect to the net without any problem.
My firmware is 2.03.20.
Thanks for any help.
2.03.20 was the last one released in 2016 … the is NO new firmware. The device is discontinued and no longer supported by WD.
Just disable the Auto detect New Firmware in the Settings if that’s what is bothering you. WD probably took down the firmware update server years ago.
Yes I know that there’s no new firmware. What I would expect was the message “no new firmware” or “your firmware is up to date” and not the message of not being connected to the net.
Thanks anyway.
If the firmware servers are shutdown down i wouldn’t expect a message at all, just a generic error message like a 404 Error or one like you got.