I am trying to set up the mycloudex2ultrta after a windows reinstall.
I am going here:
…and selecting mycloudex2ultra but get the site cant be reached. I have 3 solid blue lights on the NASA.
How do I set up?
I am trying to set up the mycloudex2ultrta after a windows reinstall.
I am going here:
…and selecting mycloudex2ultra but get the site cant be reached. I have 3 solid blue lights on the NASA.
How do I set up?
Try accessing the My Cloud Dashboard by its IP address if you have trouble accessing the My Cloud using it’s name.
If you have reinstalled Windows, make sure to configure the Windows Network Profile to Private and not Public. When set to Public you might not be able to resolve local network device names (like the name for the My Cloud device).
One may need to perform a 40 second pin reset of their My Cloud if all else fails.
How to Pin Reset and System Only Restore a My Cloud OS 5
Steps to Setup and Use a My Cloud OS 5 in the Dashboard
And if using Windows 11 24H2 one may have issues accessing the My Cloud device or with file copying speeds to/from that device. The following links have several suggestions to deal with the changes introduced in Windows 11 24H2 by Microsoft.