Mycloud which data are shared with wd?

I’m a new user of aMycloud EX2 Ultra and I’m not sure, which data a shared with WD, if I activate the cloud access. There is an indexing starting and it sounds this is stored at WD and not on my device?
Can anyone help me with which data are shared with WD if I’m activating cloud access?

Think you in advance


Nobody can answer that question regarding just how they are snooping your system.

I am 99% certain the index files are ALL stored on your own device.
Half the point of creating the index files is to be able to QUICKLY serve those files to your mobile device.
In the US- upload speeds tend to be slow - - → such that serving large files directly would be painful.

The problem with indexing is that the process is WOEFULLY inefficient.

They do have some documents that indicate their general data collection privacy policies.

The End User License Agreement one agrees to by using the My Cloud. There are more links to additional privacy documents/pages in the following URL.

The fun part of EULA is that . . .

. . . .it may read ok NOW (I think I actually did go through one last year); but invariably there is language that basically permits unilateral changes.