MyCloud for Mac

Hello…I am looking for urgent help with my MyCloud…I have an 8tb wireless MyCloud and my products are iMac…Ipad …iPad Pro…MacBook Air…I have a huge iTunes library which I have transferred to this drive…believing I could access any files from any device…I have changed the pathway on my iTunes…but when I close my devices down the connection to the MyCloud disconnects and the iTunes path way reverts back to my pc…I have tested it on my flatmates pc…which is windows …and this doesn’t happen with her pc…works perfect…but I do not need it on windows …my products are all Apple…I purchased the MyCloud in December and it has been a nightmare ever since…I have tried going through the MyCloud set up for Mac…and it says no device found…I have restarted everything …and same issue…I am at a total loss for what to do next…I looked at the phone number for MyCloud and it seems to be an International number…I would really appreciate any help or advice that anyone can give me…Many thanks in advance…Russell

what specific device do you have? The My Cloud IS NOT a wireless device, it is a network attached storage device that uses an Ethernet cable to connect to a router.

If you have a My Cloud device and have it connected via Ethernet to a wireless router. Then you can “map” the My Cloud Share(s) to your local computer. That might prevent the local computer changing the My Cloud location within iTunes.

Thank you so much for the advice. I am going to try it out now and will let you know how it goes. Sorry about my description of the WD being wireless. It is plugged into my router and because I am supposedly able to access it with any device I wrongly called it wireless. My devices are an iMac plus an iPad plus iPad Pro plus MacBook Air. I was told it was just a case of plug it in and away I go. My flat mate has Windows and for her that is the case. She is enjoying this because she has never been an Apple fan. Lol. I will let you know how it all goes. Thanks again.

Sorry to say I did everything exactly as the instructions. But when I restarted the pc once again the connection was gone and the iTunes path was changed back to the pc. I was so hopeful. I still haven’t heard from WD. They haven’t replied to my email. So now I am back where I started and the nightmare and frustration continues. Thanks anyway for trying.

Since its an iTunes application/software problem, have you tried contacting Apple?

Also have you properly moved the entire iTunes library folder over to the My Cloud? While the following WD Knowledgebase article is talking about external hard drives it also generally applies to NAS drives like the My Cloud.

Hello again. I spent over an hour on chat with Apple. Their best solution was to put the pc to sleep rather than shut down. That does work but I then have everything on power. They told me it wasn’t their problem because it wasn’t Apple products. I have moved the library but every time it resets the library changes. I will try your advice and contact them again. Thanks so much for your help.