Hello, I’m the owner of an EX2 Ultra NAS and I’ve recently updated to MyCloud OS 5 (the version now is 5.05.111)…
On my NAS I set multiple shares called for examples “Photos”, “Films”, “Data”, “Transmission”, “Public”, etc… and sometimes I have to move some files from one share to another, but previously with MyCloud OS 3 and the web interface for accessing files “https://files.mycloud.com” I could do this, but now with the new website of MyCloud OS 5 “My Cloud” I can’t move files from one share to another one but only in the same share…
Can you help me to understand why I can’t do this now and maybe how to fix this problem maybe from a setting or using another tipe of web application (I don’t know if exist)??
I think the intent / request / basic functional need is to be able to do file management without SSH into the machine.
The new app is VERY limited in functionality. Not only can you not move files between shares; but you can’t even COPY files within a share. Or move entire folders (it’s file by file. . )
I first became aware of this when I recently started mass copying of files from a USB drive to the NAS. I was basically faced with the choice of (1) using a PC (which ties up the PC), or (2) using the WD backup functionality (which has it’s own warts; in terms of how it goobers the file structure).
There should be a way to do bulk file management WITHIN the NAS hardware.
As a side note. . .in OS3. . .these types of operations were even more evil; because indexing of USB drives was done by default upon insertion. That’s ok for a 128gb usb key. Not ok for a 4TB external drive half full of data. . .
Exactly as @NAS_user said I need to move a large amount of files within a click from an app or a website even if I don’t have my PC with me to use SSH… In the new OS 5 I don’t have this possibility to move a folder of for example 2 or 3 GB from a share to another… However thanks for the answer…
If you look at the available apps for OS 5 using the web interface, there is “Internal Backups” for copying from one share to another, and there is “USB Backups” for copying between a USB attached drive and the internal Hard Drives.
Those should work. . . Do they? I had some trouble with the USB facility not working with an EXT4 formatted USB drive. I used ssh and the command line to get around that. The Internal Backups worked all right for copying between shares.
nfsmith, in fact copying is not a problem. Copying can be done even from a PC. Moving(!) is the problem, which is discussed in this thread.
P.S.: I’ve given up already with all of this mess around WD NAS OS5 and ordered Synology DS220+.
Sorry WD, but this is not the deal to ruin everything with the update. The NAS became almost unusable except just keeping it as a big files trash storage. At the first day after OS5 update I even was glad that the UI started working a bit faster. But you managed to ruing everything else… Usubilty was not ideal on OS3, but on OS5 it became just impossible. A separate obligatory password for Torrent client, the same is for DLNA server. Removed a file manager. Impossibility to move files adequate and fast between shares.
I understand that you were used to doing things one way, and that after the move to OS 5, changes were forced upon you. There are ways to work around the problem without throwing money at it.
For anyone who doesn’t want to buy a new NAS, I suggest setting it up for SSH access and using a file manager that can use SSH to securely move files around the WD NAS. I’m using Dolphin on Arch Linux with the FISH protocol to do that on OS 5. You can use WinSCP in Windows for this, running their SCP protocol which uses SSH to connect. Since you’re connecting as root, these will allow you to move files from one share to another using a graphical file manager. Once SSH is configured, you can choose to either set up something like WinSCP or Dolphin and simply log into the NAS and use the command line to move files from one share to the other. Putty can be used for SSH command line functionality from Windows. You can copy and paste text from the terminal window to save some typing: Select text with the mouse to automatically copy it to the clipboard, and paste with SHIFT-INSERT.
Hope that helps someone.
nfsmith, thank you. It’s a bit complicated and “crutchy”, but it’s at least something that can be used to sort this out. While WD does absolutely nothing to manage this.
The web file browser is gone. Well, we need one urgently. Sure you can map drives to Windows Explorer for example but it is not the same. At least provide .bin file we can install ourselves manually.
This is basic I/O operation. How can they miss it. Same problem here as well. I’m gradually loosing hope in WD. I’ve lived years with the promise of a new app and interface and this is what I get. Completely disappointed.
I can use a Windows machine to initiate large file operations. . but then the windows machine is doing the operation. This might be OK if I am on a GigaBit wired connection. It is a DISASTER if I am on a wireless connection. Best to have a connection to the NAS brain. . .and have the NAS hardware execute the simple file operations. Keeps the entire network out of the equation.
Note that this is VERY important for backup operations where I want to plug a USB drive into the NAS and copy over 2-4TB of data (the USB drive then becomes an offsite backup)