I have a MyBook and want to retrieve files to a new PC. Smartware 2.4.6 is installed on both PCs. On the new PC, the Smartware home screen shows the files from the old PC. The backup target section is blank. The retrieve (and backup) tabs are grayed out. What am I missing?
The other thing I noticed is that the drive isn’t listed under “devices with removable storage.” The driver loads okay when I plug in the drive.
Is your hard drive password-protected? You can manually restore the SmartWare backup by navigating the SWSTOR folder inside your WD My Book in the Computer section.
It’s not password protected. I’m not sure what you mean by the computer section - the new computer doesn’t recognize it as an external drive (not listed when I click ‘Computer’ with Windows Explorer).
In the WD Smartware software, nothing on the Home screen is actionable. In Settings, I can modify the retrieve folder.
Is there some set up software that I should run? I don’t recall having a setup CD.
The old PC is 32 bit; the new one is 64 bit. Both are running Windows 7.
I ended up purchasing a new My Book today after reading about Windows 7 problems with external drives. I don’t know if it was old firmware or only having USB 2.0 that caused the problems The new My Book worked like a charm with no problems.