My Net N900 with a "RAID Enclosure"

Well I decided to see what was going on with the router. After talking with a couple of people, looking at the kernel that is loaded on the device and testing it with a similar multi-drive device, it  looks like this is an issue with the Samba part of the Linux kernel you guys are running on the router… 

So my options are to:

  • Repartition my drive to be several smaller partitions (<2TB)
  • Modify the kernel myself and void the warranty
  • Use a different device to share the enclosure

Because I am trying to resolve other issues with incompatibilities with this device, I am thinking option 3 is best.

Note: I am a Linux lightweight and did not feel comfortable making changes. But I did find some nice articles on telnet and SSH access to modify the routers kernel and loading a custom kernel onto it. I however would not recommend this unless you know what you are doing. aka, not me