My Cloud Reinstalling Software Win10 Pro Chrome


I am trying to reconnect My Cloud. I can log into my online account and see my files. I can find the drives in Windows Explorer, including one partition that has mapped. However, I cannot utilize any of the WD software.

I have deleted all the older versions, and tried starting from scratch by installing WD Access. As a preliminary comments, the install script has an error when it asks if you want to upload files or do it later. However, there is no button to click for “yes”. There is no way to upload files now.

After the install completes, I attempt to access the software thru the icon in the system tray (why no way to launch on start page or desktop shortcut?). The program will not respond when I click “Open”. When I click settings, it starts to connect but asks for credentials. I try giving same credential as My Cloud login, but I get an error message " * The requested service was not found. (200404) * put_language_configuration_http_404"

I am unable to use WD Access. Do I need to download any other software first?

What other steps can I take?

Thank you.