MY Cloud NAS os3

Hi all. I seem to have lost access to my NAS. Its an old os3 version and I can no longer access it via my home network. Ive tried to reconnect but my macbook air and all phones etc cant see the drive anymore. Strange thing is my SONOS can still access and play music stored on the drive. But I want to access my old photos and videos. I thought I would be able to connect a usb C from my mac to the USB port on the NAS but still nothing shows up in finder. Any advice very much appreciated please!!

Unfortunately your device has nothing to do with the My Cloud Home which is the subject of this community subforum.

The difficulty of getting a correct answer in the wrong subforum is that knowledgeable user are not around to answer device specific questions, so any answers you get here may be confusing and misleading to many.

Hope this link helps,

Mine is working fine on my home network. I don’t have any apple devices that are connected. Maybe the old User Manual will help you. This is for the first generation WDMYCLOUD single bay.

Thank you. Yes thats helpful. Ive since been able to connect directly from Mac to the NAS with ethernet cable plus a USB so I can see my file which is a relief.

Sorry. I found it quite tricky to work out which forum was the correct one!