My Cloud Mobile application (iOS) and cyrillic file names

Dear support!

I’ve used WD My Cloud EX2. If directory’s name contains only russian letters, its name doesn’t display in application - only date-time of creation. If I try to enter into the directory, application goes to root directory

I’ve updated to last version of application, I use iOS v7.01.

Another case is displaying russian names of files/directories in windows desktop myCloud application: cyrillic aren’t displayed too.

Please, fix the errors.

best regards,


Hello and welcome to the community,

Whats the firmware version on your My Cloud?

Hello, Hamlet.

The latest  version firmware is applied to device.

Regarding software “WD My Cloud” I use the latest  version too.

I’ve made some additional investigations and found that if I create folders with cyrillic letters in My Cloud via iMac (with MacOS), everything is fine. But when I do the same via Windows7 computers, the folder name is not displayed in WD cloud clients, both mobile (iOS) and desktop (Windows7).