My Cloud Mirror like Google Drive


I have MyCloudMirror, I have created 3 users each has their own directory. I have created 4th directory on the drive named “OURS”. I would like to share and sync this directory between this 3 users, how I can to do it ?


as long as the 3 users have access to the share you will be able to access it, regarding the sync, will you be using a specific software?

I use WD Sync, and after login by Internet I see there only my own WD Sync directory, don’t see directory outside, I have such structure on drive like this:
— WD Sync
— WD Sync
— WD Sync

And each user see his own WD Sync directory, but don’t see OURS directory, how to make this dir sync for each user?

Anyone knows how to do it?