My Cloud Home after June?

Talks of ripping out some drive seem to give satisfaction to a lot of MCH owners. But a little bit of forethought and light research on this MCH subforum with the search function will give you most of the answers. All you have to do is to download the debug_logs.tar from your MCH and read the smartctl log (hard disk log) and system log. It will tell you all the model and serial number and state of the hard drive. Then read about what happens when one tries to use a SMR drive in a NAS. The situation is worsened by the age of the SMR drive since the general lifetime of a HDD in constant service is about 2.5 years…

There is a very good reason why home users buy the MCH and that is because it is cheap storage. And the reason it is cheap is because of the lack of firmware functionality and the unreliability of the cheaper SMR hard drives in a NAS type operating system.