用My cloud ex2 ultra 可以实现下载吗?

我不想不开电脑,用My cloud ex2 ultra 可以实现下载吗,或实现迅雷下载,不知道有玩的大侠吗,求助。

Hi wanghaijun, used google translator - you could try pyLoad download manager. There is no native package but you can use docker to install it, and browser extension to pass the links to pyLoad app.

Docker bin package can be found here: https://wdcommunity.com/

For torrents there is Transmission.


您好,我去下载了。但是安装时,提示我“OS5 不支持该Docker bin 安装包”,不知该怎么解决

Per List of Compatible 3rd Party Apps for WD My Cloud OS 5 . Docker is not supported in OS5 yet, you can try to use the Transmission for PT/BT download.

OS5还不支持docker, 你可以用 Transimission下载BT.

Apologies, was busy for a while. Try the docker installation bin from here:


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