I have a problem with a new WDMYCLOUD EX2 ULTRA. I bought a discless case and install 2 HDD RED 4TB 256 Mb cache. The probles is: after a period of time the WD NAS is OFFLINE. Also via local network is not accesible. The only way to access again is to swotch off and ON again to restart the NAS. The LED og the unit are normally BLU. I removed the Stan-By option, I did an hard reset (40 sce push buttom), I reinstalled the new firmaware manually…Idon’t know what to do. Consider that I used a MyCloud single disk until april with the same router (ADB Crow AXVP4412 with EOLO custom Firmware. Help!!!
Hi @lucacoluccini
Title: How to Resolve My Cloud OS 5 Device Offline Message
Link:How to Resolve My Cloud OS 5 Device Offline Message
Have you opened a Support Case? If not opened, for more information, please contact the WD Technical Support team for the best assistance and troubleshooting:
Hi Riyan,
I opened a Support Case but they did not solve the problem. In further test thai I have done I noted that the probled is occors when the NAS must elaborate large quantity of data (preview thumbnail of photos or I saved large quantity of Data on it). A commercial agent of WD noted that I have bought a diskless unit and 2 pieces of WD40EFPX HDD. He said that these HDDs are not certified with the unit. However the Unit has not the Power led tha alight in yellow and no error message during setup. I would like to change the HDDs but is a very expensive cost and I am not sure that is the right final solution to have the unit working right.
That was a BS answer from WD.
While it may true these particular drives have not been tested, it would only be true because these are fresh models and WD is not longer testing hardware compatibility. And you probably cannot buy the old models they have tested. . . .so. . . .there’s that.
I looked up the WD40EFPX. If I wanted a 4tb drive from WD. . .it’s what I would have chosen.
Am I to understand that an old MyCloud worked and this one is a EX2 ultra drops connection to the router periodically?
A few questions. . .
- When it drops off. . . can you still access the dashboard?
- When it drops off . . .can you still ping the unit?
I am suspecting SMB settings on the device. I would fool with various combinations of SMB. Try a setting that forces SMB 2 and SMB3. (The old MyCloud devices which ran on OS/3 ran SMB1.0 only. . .which you don’t want if you have a choice)
Hi, you said it right: the old Single Bay NAS (currently broken) was working and the new EX2 ULTRA loses connection randomly (I haven’t pinpointed the cause at the moment).
When the “new” NAS EX2 Ultra is OFFLINE it is not possible to access via the dashboard (local) The IP address is declared invalid. I entered the router menu and saw that the Eth Port was disconnected even though the green LEDs of the Ethernet connector were lit correctly. This way you can’t even create an SSH section. The only way to access the NAS again is to turn it off and on again. I am heartbroken, after spending money I have now also spent a lot of my time without finding a solution.
P.S. The OLD NAS ran OS5 , I did the upgrade . SMB1,2 and 3 are enabled on the “new” EX2 Ultra.
Right. Try altering the SMB settings to exclude SMB1. (Although I am not sure this will work)
There may also be a DHCP problem. Try setting the EX2 Ultra to “DHCP” (or whatever) and do not fix the IP address at the device. Instead, in the Router menus; assign the EX2 Ultra a dedicated IP address.