My Book World Edition II slow on Mac Yosemite OSX when populating folder contents

I have just bought a Macbook Pro running the Yosemite OSX. When I open folders from my ‘MyBook Live World
Edition II’ in Finder, they appear empty and take several minutes to update and show any of the files. It does this the first
time I access the folders whenever I turn on the computer.

The same folders all update within seconds or faster when accessed from other devices such as my Win7 PC, WinXP laptop and PlayStation 3 (both over ethernet cable and wifi).

Does anyone know of a solution to get the Mac to populate the contents of folders on the ‘My Book Live World Edition II’ faster?

Any assistance is greatly appreciated.


(Note: This issue looks the same as:  But that thread appears to be closed.)

I should also ask given the solution offered in, does ‘WD Quick View’ work with My Book World Edition II (white light)?

gmt80 wrote:

When I open folders from my ‘MyBook Live World Edition II’ in Finder

First, there’s no such device.

There’s the My Book Live series of drives, and there’s the My Book World series.

Which do you have?  A model number from the label will clear this up.

Thanks for your reply, Tony.

Apologies for my error in the name of the device.  It is a My Book World Edition II (White Light), so the model number is WDH2NC20000A.  I am running it in its default mirrored mode.

Thanks & regards.