I have two (2) My Book Studio II’s connected to a Windows XP system via eSATA. Both were working fine until a few weeks ago. One continues to perform without any issues. The other takes forever to copy files from the computer to My Book. I am using XCOPY to do the file transfers on files that have changed since the last transfer. One My Book does the checks and transfers in minutes, maybe 3-4 max. The other can take hours to do the same files.
Any suggestions for debugging the issue?
Hi, try running a test using DLG, you can also try to transfer some files from another PC to see if the same problem happens. Follow the link below for the steps.
How to test a drive for problems using Data Lifeguard Diagnostics for Windows
I tried Data Lifeguard Diagnostics on the system and it shut the system down and rebooted it. Both versions 1.17 and 1.24.
Installed Data Lifeguard Diagnostics on the kids PC (also Windows XP) after scanning with Anti-Virus and Malware software and it opens fine, of course, it has a WD primary disk drive (the other has Seagates). Connected the problem My Book Studio II via USB. It passed both the Smart Status and Quick Test. I started the Extended Test this morning and it should complete sometime tonight.
I am hesitant moving the whole eSATA connections from one PC to another but may have to consider. We’ll see what happens with the Extended Test first.
The Extended Test completed. It took about 12 hours. No errors or isses were reported.
Connected it back up to the original system. My Book #1 runs an XCOPY in two (2) minutes and My Book #2 (the problem one) runs the same XCOPY (and same files) in 22 minutes while connected via eSATA, with a USB connection it’s 33 minutes. The files are copied or updated correctly, it just takes forever.
Accessing My Book #2 to read or review files does not seem affected, read performance appears to be identical or very close.
I guess I just wait for something to fail on it, which will probably be the day after the warranty runs out.
Forgot, I also swapped eSATA connections and cables. Same results, so the issue whatever it is, is with My Book #2.